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The Art of Thriving in Adversity : Winner Mindset

Winner vs looser

Avoiding Problems, Attracting Setbacks! 💯 In the journey of life, it’s often said that avoiding problems only leads to inviting bigger ones. Picture this: you’re on a winding road, and ahead lies a hurdle. Do you sidestep it, hoping it disappears, or do you confront it, ready to conquer? Picture this: you’re on a winding… Continue reading The Art of Thriving in Adversity : Winner Mindset

I hated Rich People!

how to become rich. Mindset to become Rich

As a kid, I had this strange feeling about rich people. I used to think:😏 They are egoistic😎 They show off😥 They suppress the poor to become rich, and😇 They are just lucky – whatever they have is just because of pure luck. Maybe this was what I learned from Bollywood movies, where wealthy characters… Continue reading I hated Rich People!

How to Grow Professionally: 8 Uniqe Strategies for Career Success

How To Grow Professionally

Welcome to our blog on professional growth!    As a career coach, I understand the importance of continuous improvement and development in the workplace. Whether you are just starting your career or looking to advance to the next level, investing in your professional growth is crucial for long-term success.   In this article, we will… Continue reading How to Grow Professionally: 8 Uniqe Strategies for Career Success