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The Art of Thriving in Adversity : Winner Mindset

Winner vs looser

Avoiding Problems, Attracting Setbacks! 💯 In the journey of life, it’s often said that avoiding problems only leads to inviting bigger ones. Picture this: you’re on a winding road, and ahead lies a hurdle. Do you sidestep it, hoping it disappears, or do you confront it, ready to conquer? Picture this: you’re on a winding… Continue reading The Art of Thriving in Adversity : Winner Mindset

I hated Rich People!

how to become rich. Mindset to become Rich

As a kid, I had this strange feeling about rich people. I used to think:😏 They are egoistic😎 They show off😥 They suppress the poor to become rich, and😇 They are just lucky – whatever they have is just because of pure luck. Maybe this was what I learned from Bollywood movies, where wealthy characters… Continue reading I hated Rich People!